Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

What of Today’s Verse…

God is in our lives. He is at work right now, undoing Satan’s destructive messes and leading us to places he wants us to go. This is true in everything we do and everywhere we go. The key is for us to seek his purpose, to live his will. If that is our goal, then we can be sure our God is with us every step of our way.

Let us Pray:

Thank you, God, for being at work in my life. Thank you for not leaving me alone to my best effort, insight, and choice. Thank you for having a plan for me and being the assurance that I can’t mess that plan up if I seek your will. Thank you for being my God, my Father, and my Partner through all of life. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

How do you feel? It may seem that the way you feel depends on how things are going in your life and in the world in general. Yet the exact opposite is true.
The way things are going in your life depends on how you choose to feel. Your feelings are your most sincere expectations.
Every part of your life picks up on those expectations. Your thoughts, your actions, your words, and the results that come from them all take their cue from the way you feel.
Some people see a challenging situation and feel dismayed. Others will see the same exact situation and know that they can choose to feel energized and inspired.
Life does not arbitrarily impose itself on you. However, through your feelings, you select which of life’s many offerings you wish to accept.
How do you choose to feel about things? Whatever it is, that is the way your life will play out.