Ephesians 4:32
Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

What of Today’s Verse…

Be kind and compassionate, — two qualities that seem to be in short supply. Maybe its because we hold up the wrong heroes, but these two qualities are often seen as a sign of weakness rather than strength. To forgive as God forgave us requires great courage and great strength. So let’s be strong!
Let us Pray:

Holy God, there is no way I can adequately thank you for sacrificing so much to forgive me. So this day, I pledge to be more like you, to share more of kindness and grace with those who have wronged me. Today, I ask you to help me release my bitterness toward _____________ and I ask you to bless this person with your kindness and grace. By the power of Jesus’ example I ask this. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Someone will…

Someone will take that great idea you’ve always had, and make it happen. Someone will grab hold of that enormous opportunity you see, and make the most of it. Someone will make a fortune using knowledge very much like the knowledge you already have. Someone will achieve resounding success using skills just like yours.

Someone will take the action necessary to bring the best possibilities to life. Someone will, and that someone can be you.

Even though circumstances are less than perfect, someone will see that those circumstances are a perfect place from which to start. Someone will make that start and have the commitment to see it through.

And when success surely comes, others will see that certain someone as lucky, as being in the right place at the right time. Yet that someone will know that action and persistence were what truly made it happen.

Someone will start from this very day and continue all the way to a spectacular success of his or her own choosing. See clearly the compelling possibilities of today, and that someone will be you.