Revelation 3:14, 20
These are the words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the ruler of God’s creation. “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.

What of Today’s Verse…

It has always fascinated me that this verse has often been cited by those calling others to conversion when clearly in its context it’s written to lukewarm Christians needing to rekindle their love relationship to the Lord. As believers, we need to ask the Lord Jesus into our hearts, our home, and lives. It’s not that he’s not there; it’s just that he awaits our invitation — he will not barge in. He only inhabits hearts into which he has been invited!

Let us Pray:

Holy Lord and Savoir, I know you long to share your presence and fellowship with me. I know you are nearby as I draw each breath. But I confess that I am often unaware, and even sometimes unappreciative of your presence. I ask you this day to come into my heart and fill my life with your presence and comfort and power. I want my life to be lived for you and with you. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Imagine what would happen if your biggest obstacle was removed. Think of what you could do; consider how far you could go, picture all the things you could accomplish. Visualize, in rich detail, what it would be like.

Imagine yourself on the other side of your most daunting challenge. And then look back to see how you got there.

When a difficult challenge lies in front of you, it is hard to see around it. Yet once you’re past it, the path you took to get there is clear and obvious. In hindsight, it never looks as overwhelming. Wouldn’t it be great if you could look at all your challenges in hindsight? You can — in your mind.

Imagine what it’s like to be there, and the way to get there becomes infinitely clearer. See your challenges from the other side, and you’ll find your way around them.