Philippians 1:21
For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

What of Today’s Verse…

The truth is often as simple as it is sweet — if Jesus is our life, then our life has no end.

Let us Pray:

Eternal God, thank you for sending Jesus to show me your love and thank you for sending him again soon to take me home. He is my anchor in the storms of life and my light in the darkest nights, reminding me that you love me with an undying love. Through him I pray. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

One path…
Many paths lead to where you want to go. But if you try to take them all, you’ll never make it. Your possibilities may indeed be unlimited, but without focus they are of little value. For a possibility to become a reality, you must follow it with commitment. And a big part of that commitment is the necessity of forgoing other possibilities.

There are countless possibilities available to you. And yet, you can only do so much. You cannot follow every one. Indeed, you would not want to. Take one path at a time, and stick with it for as far as possible. If it becomes necessary to change your approach, then truly change it, and make sure you commit to the change.

It takes confidence and belief in yourself to stay focused. Jumping from one thing to another is a quick, easy way to calm your fears, but it will eventually spread you so thin you can’t get anything done.

Give your efforts the focus they deserve. When you are truly committed to achievement, the path you’re on is just as good as any other.