Joshua 1:9
Have not I commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.

What of Today’s Verse…

Never alone.  What a promise.  As Psalm 139 emphasizes later, Joshua hears first hand.  God will go with him, and us, through all the seasons of life, through all our ups and downs, through temptations and triumphs, even through death.  So we can take courage and feel his strength. We are not alone!

Let us Pray:

O God, who is and was and is to come, thank you for being there and staying there when all others forsake and leave.  You are the one constant in my life, which is so full of change.  Help me become more steadfast and faithful in my commitments and relationships to honour you and to learn more about you.  Through Jesus I pray.  Amen.

Words of Wisdom


The healing presence of God is revitalizing me.  I am an expression of divine life.

With every breath I take, I breathe in the life of God.  Because I know this truth, I understand that, cell by cell, my body is constantly revitalized and renewed.  As my mind becomes calm, my emotions are healed.
I am one with God, one with the healing power of God.  Because my body is a temple of the living God, I am created for life, created to be a blessing in life.  I know the truth of who I am as an expression of divine life.

As one of God’s beloved children, I know my inheritance is health and wholeness.  I do not entertain any thoughts of myself or those I love as being subject to illness of any kind.  In my mind’s eye, I see the healing light of God blessing and renewing me and blessing and renewing God’s children throughout the world.  We are expressions of divine life.
"Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?"—1 Corinthians 3:16