1 John 3:18
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

What of Today’s Verse…

"Talk is cheap!" "You can tell me with your words, but I’ll show it with my life." "Put your life where your mouth is." We know the slogans; now let’s live love in truth. In a world where barter has replaced sacrificial and steadfast love, let’s go against the grain and do the truth!

Let us Pray:

Sacrificial Father, I confess to you that at times I am selfish. Other times my intentions are good, but my follow- through, and faithfulness are lacking. Use your Spirit to empower and enable me to be what I hope to become, to your glory. May your love be seen in my actions of genuine concern today. I pray this in Jesus name. Amen.

Words of Wisdom


Many things we can change, and some things we must endure. We grow by our endurance. Strength comes from adversity.

Often, the things we want to have in life lie on the other side of hardship. We must pass through times of difficulty and extreme effort to reach our goals. Almost anything worth having is not easily obtained, and the effort involved is what gives it value.

Endurance allows us to get where we’re going. The higher the goal, the longer and more arduous the path. The more endurance we can muster, the more we can achieve.

Clearly seeing the end of the path, and keeping the goal in sight, makes endurance possible. We can hold up under amazing difficulty, when we know there’s a purpose.

Keep your chin up, look forward, and endure what you must. It will make you what you want to be.