1 John 3:11
This is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another.

What of Today’s Verse…

The original message – love one another. The enduring message – love one another. The most convicting message – love one another. The most difficult message – love one another. I’m reminded of the little verse: To dwell above with saints we love, O that will be glory. But to dwell below with saints we know; now that’s another story. Nevertheless it’s the story we’re called to write!

Let us Pray:

Loving Father, I commit to you that I will intentionally show my love for your children this week in what I do and say. I do this, trusting your grace to empower me to do more than I would do on my own. Through Jesus my Saviour I pray. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Is It Right Being Right?

So much time and energy people spend trying to prove that they are right. What’s the point?

Your attachment to "being right" can isolate you from others, and prevent you from exploring new possibilities.

A spirited debate is very stimulating, with each side making reasonable arguments in favour of a particular point of view. There is much to learn in such a discussion, if it is conducted in the spirit of finding new answers. If, however, the argument is just for the sake of "being right," to satisfy one’s ego, then it is at best a waste of time, and often a counterproductive activity.

No one cares if you are right. No one likes to hear you say "I told you so." Being right gets you nothing but resentment.

Instead, offer useful ideas and point of view in the spirit of teamwork and cooperation. If you turn out to be right, people will know it. You don’t have to remind them.