Matthew 6:15

If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

What of Today’s Verse…

Can you think of a more frightening thought than God not forgiving our sins? We know how much he paid so our sins could be forgiven! We know how much he loves us! We know how much he wants us to be with him! So why would he withhold his forgiveness? Because we demonstrate that we have not received it or do not understand it! God is gracious and he will not accept those who are not gracious!

Let us Pray:

Holy God, there are those that I do find it difficult to forgive. Please, right now while I’m praying, soften my heart by your Spirit, cleanse my soul of any bitterness or resentment, and please empower me to let go of the pain of the past and forgive. I thank you for this grace to not only be forgiven, but to also forgive. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Sing a new song…

Every day we cross paths with someone who needs to hear the good news that the Lord saves. We can never fully plumb the depths of God’s character and attributes, but with every day and every experience we can discover new facets about God, new songs to sing to him. To “publish” means to share and that refers not only to writing books and delivering sermons about God but also to sharing what the Lord has done in our own lives so that others might be drawn to him. Each of us can purpose to do that. The most powerful evangelism doesn’t take place within the four walls of a church building. It occurs when we share with others in our neighbourhood and workplace the good news of what God has done for us individually and for the whole world in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ask God to bring people across your path today who need to hear the news that God saves and that he loves them. And then ask him for the compassion and courage to share the reason for your hope and to pray for these people.

LORD, I want to sing a new song to you and bless your name. I want to tell everyone about the amazing things you do.