Psalm 119:64

The earth, O LORD, is full of thy mercy: teach me thy statutes.

What of Today’s Verse…

Sometimes we get so caught up in the wonders of God’s creation and the marvellous blessings of his grace we forget to ask him to teach us his truth.

Let us Pray:

Holy and Precious Father, teach me your truth, lead me to your will, and guide me in your wisdom that my life may be a reflection of your plan for me when you made me new in my mother’s womb. In Jesus I ask these things. Amen.’

Words of Wisdom

Just do it…

Sometimes there are things that just have to be done.  The best option, when something needs to be done, is to do it.

Don’t worry about how you’re going to “deal” with it, or what it will do to your self-esteem, or what other people will think.  Just do it.  Take the action.  You are in complete control of your mind and your body; no one has any power over you.  Only you can control your own actions.  And if there’s something that you must do, then you’re the one who needs to do it.

I can make excuses.  You can make excuses.  A child can make excuses.  So what?  Excuses don’t get anything accomplished.  Action is the key to accomplishment. Discipline yourself to take action.

Yes, it is difficult.  Yes, it is painful.  Yes, it is inconvenient.  And yes, you know it needs to be done.  So just do it today.