Psalm 3:8

From the LORD comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people.

What of Today’s Verse…

God is The Great Deliverer! That’s his chosen expertise. Whether it was delivering the Israelites through the Red Sea from Pharaoh’s army ages ago, or it is rescuing a sinner from sin and death through Christ today, our God is The Great Deliverer! So let’s use today to repeatedly pray for people who need God’s deliverance from sin, death, disease, family conflict, addiction, financial concerns, legal matters, mental illness, abuse, and temptation.

Let us Pray:

Holy and Righteous Father, please deliver the friends who are on my heart, and whose names I place before you now. Please release them from their bondage and deliver them into a time of blessing, comfort, and assurance of your abiding presence. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

Words of Wisdom

Pathway To Achievement

The best way to figure out how to do something is to do it. Make the commitment to make it happen, and you’ll start working your way through the details.

Don’t get bogged down speculating on how something will come about. Instead, get started on the best approach you have, and follow the path wherever it may lead.

When travelling along a road, you can never see the entire road at once, but that doesn’t really matter. What does matter is successfully making your way through the portion of the road that is right in front of you.

Work through the things that are to be done right now, and you’ll put yourself in position to handle the things that come along later. Travel down this section of the road, and you’ll then be able to travel the next section, and the next.

If you put all your energy into worrying about every little detail of how to reach your goal, you won’t ever get started. Instead, put your energy into reminding yourself why you have chosen to go there, and then do whatever it takes along the way.

You’ll never know precisely how something is to be done until you actually do it. So go ahead, get started, and discover your own unique pathway to achievement.