Ephesians 1:7

In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.

What of Today’s Verse…

Forgiveness. What a sweet and precious gift. What we could not fix, make up, or pay for, God did for us in Jesus. With him each day is a fresh start and rebirth of springtime. But by what a cost!

Let Us Pray:

Thank you, Father, for your anguish it cost to forgive my sins by the blood of your Son. I pledge today that I will not take lightly the cost of my sin and will live to your glory in appreciation of your grace. Through him who sacrificed all for my salvation I pray. Amen.

Words of Wisdom


Staying focused and on track is largely a matter of looking ahead and considering the consequences of the things you do.

Your actions can do nothing to change what has already happened.  Altering the past is unattainable.  By the same token, changing the future is unavoidable.  The actions you take right now will most certainly result in future consequences.

Every action has consequences.  Once the action is taken, the process has been set in motion and the consequences from that action are inevitable.  So it is vital to consider the consequences beforehand, and to act with an eye toward the eventual outcome of each action.

You cannot disconnect consequences from the actions which precipitate them.  However, you can reliably control your consequences by controlling your actions.  Keep the consequences in mind, and your actions will take you precisely where you want to go.