Act 2:17

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, said God; I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”

What of Today’s Verse…

IN HIS sermon, on the Day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter quoted the latter part of this prediction by the Prophet (Joe_2:28). Not much is known of this prophet, who probably lived in Judah during the reign of Uzziah. But evidently, his anticipation of the outpouring of the Divine Spirit had its fulfilment in those memorable scenes in which the Christian Church was born.

Before the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit had descended only upon the elect souls of the Hebrew race—upon Abraham and Moses, upon Samuel and Elijah, upon Isaiah and others of the prophets. This supreme gift of God was reserved in those days for the spiritual aristocracy of Israel, for the men who were called to eminent office and responsibility, as kings, prophets, or leaders. But Joel said that the time would come when the Holy Spirit, who had been reserved for the few, was to be poured out upon the many–the young men and maidens would prophesy; even the slaves and the most despised classes of the community would partake of the Divine experience.

Whatever Pentecost means–it is open to the reception and enjoyment of us all, “Every one of you,” said St. Peter, “shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.” To you is the promise, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord is our God shall call (Act_2:38-39). Let us take this to heart.

Some years ago, electricity was the perquisite of the few, but now the poorest girl or lad may utilize it and be carded along in the electric car; and it is the boast of our scientists and inventors that they are able to bring the benefits of their discoveries within the reach of the most needy amongst us. And Pentecost resembles this, in that the forces and gifts of the Eternal Spirit are now within the grasp of the feeblest hand, which is stretched out to appropriate them. But there must be first the putting away of evil, the emptying of our hearts, the hunger and thirst of the soul for righteousness, before God can give us our share in the Gift which was made once for all to the Church, but must be claimed by each successive believer.

Let us Pray:

Let Thy Holy Spirit dwell in me continually, and make me Thy temple and sanctuary. Amen.

Words of Wisdom


The best is yet to be!

Knowing that the best is yet to be, I move past what has been. I focus on my blessings and allow myself to think and act from the understanding of all that can be.
My soul’s choice is to rise to new heights of discovery and empowerment and adventure. And I do this one prayer, one thought, and one decision at a time. God is revealing what my direction is to be, and I follow.
There is no need for me to force my life to move in one direction or another, nor do I want to. What I discover is that God has unexpected blessings in store for me.

Opening my mind and all my physical senses to my inner, spiritual realm, I heal from the past and I am ready to take on the day. There is no limit to what I can do and be–all through God within me.
“I am going to bring it recovery and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.” –Jeremiah 33:6