Isaiah 1:16-17
Stop doing wrong learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.

What of Today’s Verse…

Do you find it easy to replace service to those in need with religious rituals? I know I do! But God wants us to not get so caught up in talking about him and celebrating his deeds, that we forget we’re suppose to care for others like he does. Whether it is Jesus defining his ministry in Luke 4:18-19 or James talking about the kind of piety that pleases God (Jas. 1:26-27), we must realize true faith is treating others as God would. Today’s verse defines what God does and instructs us to live in the same way.

Let us Pray:

O Great God of all comfort, open my eyes today to see those who need your love and give me the attentiveness, time, and compassion to serve them. May Jesus’ work be seen in my life today. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Today, in this moment, I forgive.

Great joy and satisfaction come from expressing love, compassion, and generosity. Since I cannot fully express these qualities while holding resentment against another, I strengthen my spiritual practice through forgiveness.

I choose to forgive anyone whose actions seemed to cause me pain or fear. I forgive those whom I thought to be adversaries. I forgive family members, friends, or co-workers for any perceived failings or mistakes. And I forgive myself. I leave the past where it belongs and create life anew.

Seeing beyond personality, beyond outward appearance to the true divine spirit within others, and myself I release judgment and forgive. Now I can truly love.

Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone.–Mark 11:25