Psalm 119:11
“Thy Word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee.”

What of Today’s Verse…

The Prayer: “Teach me Thy statutes” occurs eight times in this wonderful Psalm. It may be said to be its keynote. God’s statutes are the path of purity. If a young man will take heed to them, his way will be cleansed. The passage of the Word of God through the heart, like the running of clean water through a pipe, will purify it. Constant study of the Bible is the condition of soul-health.

Consecration is closely associated with Bible study (Psa_119:10). Holiness is wholeness–that is, the whole-hearted devotion of a whole nature to God, the consecration of every power to His service. This leads us to lean hard on God, and to seek His companionship and fellowship. Psa_119:11 tells us of a good thing laid up in a good place, and the result. The 119th Psalm, has now become, of all, the most precious in its glorious passion for the law of God.

The study of the Bible enables us to bear witness for God (Psa_119:13). An inspector on one of our railways once said that he had a vision of God whilst studying his Bible and kneeling in prayer. From this he went to his duties on the station platform. At one end of the train, a man offered him some whisky, but he was able to answer, “I have had a better drink than that,” and pointed him to the Water of Life (Joh_4:14; Rev_22:17). At the other end of the train, another man asked him for a Testament, the slang phrase for a pack of cards, and my friend was able to pass on to him a Pocket Testament!
It is when the Word of God fills the heart that it overflows through the lips and actions, and it is what flows over from us that really helps and blesses our fellow-men. “Out of him shall flow rivers of living water.” Let us live in fellowship with God through His Word. This will light up our life with gladness, amid many sorrows. Wait not for Heaven, but here and now, day by day, be joyful in heart and life (Psa_119:14-16).

Let us Pray:

Open Thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy law. Amen.

Words of Wisdom
Personal Best

I am grateful for whom I am and the life I am leading.

My achievements and shortcomings are not tallied on a giant scorecard. But at times, I may become preoccupied with my personal goals and comparing myself to others. As I stop judging and start appreciating my efforts, the burden of incessant striving falls away.

When I see myself as God sees me, I am whole and perfect. I adopt this point of view, and I am released from the grip of my ego. I know that I am doing and being my best. By choosing to focus on all that is delightful, my life suddenly seems easier. I am moving forward rather than holding myself back. I am creating the life I desire, becoming more aware of my blessings and living in joy.

If then your whole body is full of light, with no part of it in darkness, it will be as full of light as when a lamp gives you light with its rays.–Luke 11:36