Mark 14:14
Wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the good man of the house, The Master said, Where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the passover with my disciples?

What of Today’s Verse…

There had evidently been a previous understanding between our Lord and the good man of the house, who was probably a devoted friend and follower. Jesus knew that His death was being plotted by the chief priests, and that Judas desired to betray Him that very night. He wanted to take part in the Passover Supper, and therefore did not tell the two disciples, whom He sent to prepare the supper where it was to be held, lest any should overhear, and His arrest should take place. The locality of that last gathering with His disciples was revealed to the two by the sign of the man bearing the pitcher of water when they reached Jerusalem, and only to the remainder of the party when they actually arrived.

Our Lord knew what treachery meant in the home-circle. You may be experiencing this. Your familiar friend, in whom you trust, may be absolutely unreliable—a sieve through which your secret confidences filter, or an adder waiting to sting! But Christ experienced this also, and suffered as we all do, from the feeling of restraint in the presence of one who is unsympathetic and critical (Joh_13:31).

Jesus knew what devoted friendship means. What He could not confide to the band of apostles He was able to make known to the good man of this house. They had evidently conferred together and arranged that this room should be at the Master’s disposal, furnished and prepared for His reception.

Our Lord asks us for the use of our guest-chamber. He still stands at the door and knocks, saying: “If any will open the door, I will come in and sup with him, and he with Me.” There is a room in each heart, which He covets for Himself. The Revised Version inserts the word “My”. We are His by right of creation and redemption; let us be His by choice. Having given the guest-chamber of our heart to Him, may we not go on to give our spare room to His disciples, and our loving hospitality to those who go forth for the sake of His Name (3Jo_1:5-8).

Let us Pray:

Is there a thing beneath the sun that strives with Thee my heart to share? He, tear it thence, and reign alone, the Lord of every motion there. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

I move confidently in the direction of my good.

Setting out on her journey, the young Mary may not have been sure where she would stay or how she would give birth, but Mary had faith that God would provide.

I may not always know how things will work out, but faith sets my feet confidently on the path to my good. With each step I affirm God’s strength within me and God’s wisdom guiding me. My faith in God’s power is greater than any fear or doubt based on outer conditions of employment, finances, health or relationships. When I am uncertain, I quiet my thoughts, knowing the still, small voice within will direct me.

God’s desire for me is only good. In faith I move confidently in the direction of my good.

She brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. –Luke 2:7