Psalms 65:1-2
“Praise waiteth for Thee, O God, in Zion; and unto Thee shall the vow be performed. O Thou that hears prayer, unto Thee shall all flesh come.”

What of Today’s Verse…

What raptures there is here! It reminds one of a lark at dawn filling regions of air with music which threatens to rend its tiny throat. The Psalmist is in fellowship with God. He is enjoying his prayer and praise so much that it seemed to him as though all flesh must wake up to enjoy it also. His iniquities and transgressions are purged away. He feels that God is causing him to approach into His secret place, and all nature takes on a new radiance and beauty.

The personal pronouns for God–Thou, Thee, Thy, occur at least twenty times in thirteen verses! We remember that Wordsworth speaks of a Presence that rolls through all things: “A sense sublime of something deeply interfused, whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, and the round ocean, and the living air, and the blue sky–a motion and a spirit.” The poet was a lover of the meadows, and the woods, and mountains!

Too many of us, also, Nature seems but the slight covering or garment, which only partially, conceals the glory and beauty of God’s Presence. The bush still burns with fire. The mountain-heights are filled with the horses and chariots of angelic guardians. “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.” There is no voice or language that the ordinary sense of man can detect, but when our hearts are clean, and our ears open, we realize that we are in touch with Him whom some day we shall see face to face, but who even now reveals Himself to the pure in heart (Mat_5:8).

Let us Pray:

O God our Heavenly Father, renew in us the sense of Thy gracious Presence, and let it be a constant impulse within us to peace, trustfulness, and courage on our pilgrimage. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

With God as my source, I am faith in action!

There are no limits to what I can accomplish or overcome when I focus on God as the source of all I need. Whatever challenge arises in my life or in the world, my faith in God sees me through.

God is the source of my strength, courage, vitality and peace of mind. And God is active in my life and in the world. I think of family, friends, acquaintances and all humanity, and I remember that God is the divine source of all they need as well. I release any concern into God’s loving care, and I am grateful.

Remembering that God is our one true source changes me at depth and gives me the confidence to boldly affirm: “I am faith in action!” And in faith, I become an agent for positive change in the world.

So we are always confident; … for we walk by faith, not by sight.–2 Corinthians 5:6-7