Psalms 90:12

     Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.


What of Today’s Verse…

     So often we look up and time has passed us by. The things we promised ourselves we’d accomplish and the deeds we told others we’d do get left undone. Before we know it, days have become weeks, and weeks months, and months years. We find ourselves unable to do what we once assumed we could do any time we want. We must ask the Spirit of God to help us see and seize the opportunities the LORD places in our path

Let us Pray:

     Father, I confess that so often I leave undone what needs to be done. Please help me see your plans in each of my days and live in a way which not only honours you, but also blesses those you want me to reach. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


Words of Wisdom


Guard the inside…

     If you’re typical, you think of guarding your heart in terms of keeping things out. Corruption, false ideas, temptations—all are to be held at arm’s length, never to be allowed in the inner depths of your affections. But there’s another side to this vigilance. We are to keep things in. In fact, if we can master that, the corruptions and temptations will often take care of themselves.


     Think about it: The things that can assail a heart from the outside are innumerable, far too overwhelming to manage. But the things we are told to keep within—the spirit of Jesus, the humility and gentleness, the servanthood and sacrifice, the worship and thankfulness—these are one Spirit. Most religions tell us to avoid the bad; God tells us to embrace Him. We are better equipped to focus on His character than on the enemy’s devices. Nowhere are we told to live against the sinful nature and hope that the Spirit will show up. We’re told to live by the Spirit and expect the sinful nature to have no power. We often get confused about that.


     Too many Christians guard the way into their hearts to keep things out. That may be appropriate at times, but try a different approach. Guard the way out. Stand at the inside of the gate, and be careful about what may be leaving. Once in a while, we get a life-altering glimpse of true worship. By all means, keep it in! From time to time, we’ll see a picture of true servanthood. Don’t let that picture go! Hold on to these things! Treasuring the wellspring that God has birthed in your heart will leave little room for those corruptions you once obsessed over. And the wellspring is a much more pleasant preoccupation


      Above all else, Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. — Proverbs 4:23