The Hope of Peace

   This is one of the greatest visions of the prophet’s a glimpse into the future that gives hope to succeeding generations.

   The picture is of God on a throne and people of every nation streaming to worship him in peace. This vision may bring a touch of melancholy to our souls, for this goal of peace has not been accomplished. The clouds of war and the dust of politics obscure the vision.

   If we are to realize peace we must first begin with ourselves. Remove the barricades from your heart and let God’s peace enter. Then spread the good news of this peace to a waiting weary world.

In the future,

   The mountain with the LORD’s temple will be the highest of all. It will reach above the hills, and every nation will rush to it. People of many nations will come and say, “Let’s go up to the mountain of the LORD God of Jacob and worship in his temple.” The LORD will teach us his Law from Jerusalem, and we will obey him.

   He will settle arguments between distant and powerful nations. They will pound their swords and their spears into rakes and shovels; they will never again make war or attack one another. Everyone will find rest beneath their own fig trees or grape vines, and they will live in peace. This is a solemn promise of the LORD All-Powerful.

   Others may follow their gods, but we will always follow the LORD our God.