Isaiah 43: 1-3

     Storms in our lives can make us feel off course an unsure of our direction. The disciples knew they were on the Sea of Galilee, headed for Gennesaret, but in the battering gale, they could not gauge their direction or distance from the shore. The storm obscured the guiding light of the sky and at the same time clouded their senses. Have you ever felt that way? Let us think about what the disciples learned that will be able to help us.

     Jesus’ Sovereignty. The Lord demonstrated that He was fully in charge of both nature and His followers’ lives. There is not a single moment when He has less than absolute control of our storms. That night on the Sea of Galilee, the winds blew just so hard and no harder; the waves rose just so high and no higher. Jesus knows exactly where we are, where we are heading, and how fierce the storm is. Remember, the One who died in our place because of love is the One who holds the future–and He also holds us.

     Jesus’ Protective Power. Christ’s ability to protect was evident in this tempest. He watched over the disciples in the boat, and He took care of Peter on the water. But do not miss an important lesson: Peter was allowed to sink just enough to recognize his own helplessness so that he would turn to the Lord Jesus for rescue. It protects us to remember we are absolutely helpless without Jesus and must turn quickly to Him.

     Jesus’ sovereignty and protective presence caused the disciples to worship Him as the Son of God. Are your lips bursting with praises?

Read The Bible In
One Year: Isaiah 4-7