Psalm 119:60
I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.

What of Today’s Verse

Obedience is faith put into practice. Without action, our faith is not real, James 2 reminds us. So without arguing, let’s quickly obey, even when we don’t fully understand why, because we’ve seen God’s love demonstrated to us in Jesus and we’ve seen the protection that his will has for us when we obey him.


O God, give me a heart that is quick to obey and a faith that is quick to express itself in action. I want to please you with my words and thoughts, but even more, Father, I want to live a life full of your character, wisdom, and grace. Help me to quickly obey your voice. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

The Dangers of Greed

Greed is never satisfied because self is at the center of its world, and the self is forever taking, grasping after whatever is beneficial to “me.” A person secure in the love of God approaches life with quite a different attitude: Because I am sure that God will take care of me and provide all that I need, I no longer have to be greedy, desperately looking out for myself and grabbing everything in sight.

Ultimately, greed is a sign of emptiness. If you find yourself grasping after things in life, worried that you won’t get what you want, what you need, or what you deserve, you have put your trust in the wrong place. Greed will use you up without giving anything in return. God’s great love offers us a fuller, more satisfying life.