Psalms 136: 1&26
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.  O give thanks unto the God of heaven: for his mercy endureth for ever.

What of Today’s Verse…

Our thanks arises from the nature of God and his glory and goodness. The steadfast reason we give thanks is because God is good and his love is inexhaustible, beyond decay, and never ending.

Let us Pray:

O great Lover of my soul, thank you for sending Jesus as the demonstration of your love. I love you Father. I love you for who you are and what you have done. I love you for what you have promised. I love you for the blessings you shower upon me. I love you for giving me hope. I love you because you first loved me. I love you because you are worthy of all love. But I confess that my love is not as strong as yours, so please, fill me with your love by the power of the Holy Spirit. Through Jesus I lift my heart to you. Amen.’

Words of Wisdom

To every one of us there must come a time when the whole universe will be found to have been a dream, when we find the soul is infinitely better than the surroundings. It is only a question of time, and time is nothing in the infinite.