2 Timothy 1:17
But, when he was in Rome, he sought me out very diligently, and found me.

What of Today’s Verse…

Power! We like that concept. When it is godly power, might does make right, because godly power is accompanied by love and self-discipline. These three together make a person’s life effective. Live life to its fullest: not as a closet Christian, afraid of standing true and firm, but one who lives by God’s power, shares God’s love, and displays God’s virtues.

Let us Pray:

Holy God, you are without comparison in your majesty and might. I have no right to come into your presence, and yet you have invited me here by your love and your grace. You are my Rock, my Fortress, and my Strength. I depend upon your guidance and your mercy to sustain me through my storms and to reclaim me from my stumbles. Holy God, you are without comparison and I worship you. In Jesus name. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Stop and consider…

Before you choose to become angry, consider that your anger is not likely to achieve anything. Remind yourself that there is a more positive and productive response available to you.
Before you allow an unexpected distraction to throw you off course, consider that you do have another choice. You can choose to move quickly beyond the distraction, and to stay focused on your original task.
When you’re tempted to feel resentful or sorry for yourself, stop and consider that such feelings will only intensify your difficulties. Choose instead to feel gratitude and to experience the real empowerment it can bring.
If you just don’t feel like making the effort, stop and reconsider. Make the most of each opportunity to create value before that opportunity slips away.
When it seems that nothing is going your way, consider that in every defeat there are the seeds of triumph. Choose to find the positive aspects and to build on them.
Before you give your time, energy and effort to negativity, stop and thoughtfully consider the implications of what you’re about to do. Give yourself the chance to choose a more positive and enriching path.