Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceptive and beauty if fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

What of Today’s Verse…

So many things we honour and exalt in our culture are shallow and temporary. The one thing that lasts in a beautiful woman is not her charm or her beauty, but her godliness. Let’s make sure in our church families and our physical families that true and lasting beauty is clearly valued and amply praised!
Let us Pray:

Holy God, please give us better eyes and more faithful hearts that we may value in all people qualities that reflect your character. Bless us as we raise our children that we may instill in them a sense of proper values as they choose their life partner. And dear God, please help us in our churches to value and praise women for their holy character. In Jesus name. Amen.’

Words of Wisdom


Whatever you’re doing, remember why you’re doing it. It will keep you focused and motivated. Keeping the “why” in mind, will put everything into perspective.

Sometimes we get so obsessed with the details of life, that we forget the reasons. We settle into habits and patterns, and continue with them just because they’re comfortable. Regularly remembering why, often will open up new options and possibilities.

If an obstacle is blocking your path, ask yourself why you want to get around it. That takes the focus off of the obstacle, and lets you concentrate on your goal. Consider that there may be an entirely different way of getting there.

What are you doing today? Why? Knowing the why, when it is meaningful enough to you, will keep you going no matter what.