John 6:29

Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: To believe in the one he has sent."

What of Today’s Verse…

Do you believe in Jesus? Do you really believe? Shortly after Max Lucado came back from his mission work in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he shared with a group of his closest friends that his theology was pretty simple. He didn’t have a handle on a lot of the big difficult theological problems that divide folks. But Max said he came to the firm and deep conviction that God loves us and he showed that love by sending Jesus to live among us, to die for us, and to be raised from the dead so we could, too. This is the work of God — amazingly simple and awesomely powerful.

Let us Pray:

Holy God, I do believe that Jesus came to earth, died, and was raised from the dead. Please help me show and share that message with those around me looking to find hope and help. Holy Spirit, open my eyes to those around me who are searching. Father, I want so much to share in your work, please help me as I rededicate myself to it today. Through Jesus my Saviour I pray. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Act as if…

How would you act today if you were totally confident, highly successful, and happy and fulfilled in your life? How would you walk, how would you sit, how would you talk, how would you work? I

magine yourself acting as if you had it all — success, effectiveness, confidence and fulfilment. And then do it. Walk the way you would walk if you were a smashing success. Talk the way you would talk if you were totally confident. Enjoy every moment the way you would if you were completely fulfilled.

Now, realize this. When you take successful actions, you are successful. When you act confidently, you are confident. When you live out fulfilment, you are fulfilled. Your actions determine your reality.

Act as if you already had it, and before long, you will.