Romans 12:4-5
Just as each of us has a one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

What of Today’s Verse…

One of the key realities of Christianity is belonging. I belong! I belong to God. I belong to Jesus. I belong to Jesus’ body the Church. I have a place and a purpose in that body. I belong!

Let us Pray:

Help me, Father, to find the place where I’m supposed to fit in your body. Until then, I pledge to try all sorts of ministries so that your Spirit, and not just my own preference, will guide me into your place for me to serve. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.’

Words of Wisdom

What are the possibilities?
Don’t ask “What is sensible, and how do we make it possible?” Instead, ask “What is possible, and how do we make it work?” That is the difference between mere survival, and great accomplishment.

Instead of looking at what most likely will happen, look at what could happen. Consider the possibilities. They are everywhere — in every person, every job, and every circumstance. The more stress and uncertainty in a situation, the more possibilities there are.

Possibilities show up the best when they’re needed the most. They turn failure into success, fear into confidence, and indifference into passion.

Possibilities raise the stakes. All of life is a choice — you can do anything, but you can’t do everything. So it makes sense to consider all the possibilities, and pursue the best one for you. Put your effort where it counts, reaching for the highest that is possible.