Proverbs 21:21
He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor.

What of Today’s Verse…

Isn’t it funny that when we set off to find happiness or joy or significance or meaning, we seldom find it.  Instead, when we offer to serve others and give ourselves wholeheartedly to the Lord and His work, it is then that we find what we most need.

Let us Pray:

O Giver of every good and perfect gift, I ask today that You give me a chance to serve you and others in a way which shows your kingdom and its glory.  If in the process You choose to meet the needs in my own heart, then I thank You.  This I pray through your servant Jesus. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Yes you can… 

Yes you can have the life you want.  Yes you can be all that you were meant to be.  Yes you can make the most of yourself.  Yes you can know joy and fulfillment.

Yes you can start today.  Yes you can keep going for as long as it takes.  Yes you can meet the challenges.  Yes you can triumph over adversity.  Yes you can create something great that has never existed before.  Yes you can live with integrity and prosper in a world that often does not care.

Yes you can build your own future.  Yes you can get past your fears.  Yes you can learn.  Yes you can follow your most deeply desired dreams.  Yes you can, right now.  Yes, you.  Yes you can.  If you will.