Psalm 119:7
I will praise you with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments.

What of Today’s Verse…

Praise is integrally connected with our character.  So for us to worship God, the intent of our heart and the effort of our life must show forth a determined desire to know and live his will.  While we will never do this perfectly, grace covers us.  But grace must never be used as a pretence to excuse spiritual laziness or intentional weakness.

Let us Pray:

Holy God, I want to be more like you in character even though I will never be like you in might or majesty.  Open my eyes and through the Spirit illumine me as I seek your will in your Scriptures and as I seek to be obedient in my daily life.  Forgive me of my sin and create a clean, holy, determined heart.  Through Jesus I pray.  Amen.

Words of Wisdom


Trusting in God, I embrace a life filled with good.

It is not necessary for me to know how my good will come to me or when it will appear.  Always and in all ways, I trust in God for my highest good.

I open my life to that good by letting go of the past, knowing that it has no power over me.  I let go of concerns about the future, releasing all of my tomorrows into God’s loving care.  Free from regrets about the past and free from worries about the future, I live in the present moment.

With God as my constant guide and companion, I am at peace.  Just as I know that love is enfolding me, I also know this truth for those who are dear to me. God is guiding them on their right paths.

Placing my trust in God, I am ready to embrace a life filled with good!

“If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask for whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”-John 15:7