Galatians 5:25
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

What of Today’s Verse…

It is one thing to talk about being filled with the Spirit; it is quite another to live under the Spirit’s control and direction in our lives. Paul is reminding us that we must do more than talk the talk; we must walk the walk. The Holy Spirit must guide our decisions, determine our morality, and control our speech. His fruit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control — must be in evidence. Paul says to Christians filled with the Spirit, "Live like it!"

Let us Pray:

Holy God, thank you for your gift of your Spirit, who is alive in me. May your Spirit guide my thoughts and mold me to be like Jesus in words and deeds. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Liberation In A Moment

Mindfulness Meditation: Wherever You Go, There You Are…
Where is your mind right now? Is it here in the present, reading these words? Does it in the future, with bills need to be paid? On the other hand, in the past, thinking about tasks that are long finished? The mind has long been regarded as slippery beast, being compared in some yogic texts to a monkey that leaps from tree to tree, impossible to catch. Too often do we move through our days thinking about the next thing we need to accomplish, or criticizing ourselves about some perceived imperfection in the past. Far too rarely do we allow ourselves to focus on the present, on where we are in the moment, to simply be.

For ages, mindfulness has been known to be a precursor to enlightenment. We learn from the yogi sages and masters of Buddhist meditation the benefits of a controlled and focused mind. Of course, the best part about this ancient technique is that it can be practiced by anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Sit back, and realize where you are and what you are doing. Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Release the events of the past. Put the worries of the future out of your mind. Concentrate on your breath, inhaling for the count of four, holding for two, and exhaling for four again. Look around you, and again focus on where you are and what you are doing. Be in that place, without judging it. Concern yourself not with why you are there, only the fact that you are there, in this moment. Breathe and be ok with that. Be present in this moment and every moment of your day. Realize that you are free.

Its simple exercises like these that can permanently change your life for the better. Take a moment today to learn more about how you can be in a more mindful and peaceful state by clicking on the link below. Here, Jon Kabat-Zinn opens the doors to the world of meditation in his simple, yet compelling book, "Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness Meditation in Everyday Life." Enjoy the book, or just enjoy this moment. Remember, this time is yours. Take it.