Colossians 2:9-10

For in him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

What of Today’s Verse…

If you had known Jesus’ address in Nazareth along about A.D. 20, you could have gone to that house and said, “God lives here!” The doctrine of Jesus as fully God and fully man, fully God and yet having emptied himself of all of his divine privilege, is nearly impossible to fully understand, but is the awesome reality of Grace. God chose to be like us because we could not be like him. So in Jesus, God came to us so we could be given his fullness.

Let us Pray…

Almighty God, I confess that you are too great for me to comprehend. Yet as marvellous and mighty and majestic as you are, your grace is greater still. Thank you for sending Jesus so I could know you. Thank you for sending Jesus so I could be forgiven. Thank you for sending Jesus so I can go home to you and live forever. Thank you, Jesus, for coming to redeem me and then returning to the Father so I can speak to him through you. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

It is a defect in language that words suggest permanent realities and people do not see through this deception. But mere words cannot create reality. Thus people speak of a final goal and believe it is real, but it is a form of words and the goal as such is without substance. The one who realizes the emptiness of objects and concepts does not depend on words. Perfect wisdom is beyond definition, and pathlessness is the way to it.

The wise one treads this path for the direct realization of impermanence and for the direct realization of understanding. This, then, is perfect wisdom. Such a one should tread this path knowing that attachment and attractions are neither good nor harmful, even enlightenment is neither good nor harmful, because perfect wisdom is not meant to promote good or harm for that person. However, even though there is no intention of good or harm, it does confer endless blessing.