Isaiah 11:2
“The spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD”

What of Today’s Verse…

We have in this chapter a wonderful forecast of our Saviour’s person and Work; and probably no other single paragraph in the Old Testament seems to sum up so perfectly the sevenfold work of God’s Holy Spirit. The stock of Jesse might seem to be cut down to its roots, but it would yield the Messiah. The Mother of our Lord was so poor that she could only offer the two pigeons of the humblest and poorest, as the expression of her thanksgiving at His birth, but He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, and in His baptism was anointed and empowered for service by the same Spirit.

Notice the beautiful alternative rendering of Isa_11:3 in the Revised Version. “His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord.” In the margin the literal meaning of delight is scent! The phrase might be translated: “He shall draw His breath in the fear of the Lord.” Our Saviour, though living in this world, was never infected by evil surroundings. Let us seek to live like this–in the world, but not of it! We know instinctively when we inhale the foetid air of certain places and society. What a difference there is in the pure ozone of the ocean or the breath of the hills! If our lot is cast amid the murky atmosphere of the great city, let us be more careful to inbreathe the pure air of Holy Scripture and prayer.

The Holy Spirit of God anoints for service by descending upon us, and then builds up within us His six fold grace. We all need wisdom in the spirit, and understanding in the intellect; we all need counsel and direction as to our life purpose, and might to execute the divinely-given plan; we all need to become students in the knowledge of God, and in devout reverence. Why should we not make each of these the subject of our special dealing with the Paraclete, who gives freely to all who will yield their wills, minds, and lives to His control (Gal_5:22). Then all creation will respond to us; there will be a new beauty in heaven above and earth beneath, the preface and augury of that new creation which shall emerge when our Saviour returns to bring in the millennium of blessedness and peace.

Let us Pray:

Lord Jesus, tenant of our hearts; fill us with Thy Holy Spirit, and fit us for that new life when all evil passions shall be subdued, and the knowledge of Thy Redeeming Love shall flow over the worm as the waters cover the ocean-bed! Amen.

Words of Wisdom
In the Flow

I live in the divine flow of love and life.

Today I claim my divine birthright. I am a child of God, immersed in the energy of light, love and joy. Regardless of any outer appearances, I know that all things are working together for my highest good. I have faith that divine love supports and sustains me in all circumstances. As I relax and accept my blessings, I freely move toward even greater good.

I have faith in God’s great love for me. In deepest gratitude, I realize that God’s love is unconditional, freely given and freely experienced. Love spills over into all areas of my life. What a joy it is to live in the divine flow of life and love!

“Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”–John 7:37-38