Psalm 116:1-2
I love the LORD, because he hath heard my voice and my supplications. Because he hath inclined his ear unto me, therefore will I call upon him as long as I live.

What of Today’s Verse…

Understanding the Lord’s love and nearness should lead us to serve him and continue our relationship with him. While we love God for many reasons, we want to express our love to him today especially for his personal concern for us.

Let us Pray:

Father who knows each hair on my head and thought of my heart, thank you for hearing my prayers. Thank you for answering so many with the answer I sought from you. Give me patience when I cannot see your hand in other situations. I believe and trust you are there and working for my good even when I can’t see it. Please strengthen my faith so that I will never outlive my trust and faith in you. Through Jesus I ask this. Amen.

Words of Wisdom
Let Go, Let God

My spirit soars as I let go and trust God.

As I step out in faith to do something new and daring, I may feel like a skydiver moments before a jump. When I make the conscious choice to let go of my comfortable surroundings, I may experience a moment of fear. But like the skydiver, my fear is quickly replaced with exhilaration and excitement as I soar through the experience with complete trust. I let go of my fear. God is with me and all is well!

Letting go of fear is liberating. As I let go and trust God, I open the way for God’s perfect expression within me and in all the circumstances of my life. I don’t worry about the outcome, for I know that all is well. I know that God is in charge and that I am being divinely guided and blessed.

Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. –Isaiah 26:4