A Bold Request
Nehemiah 2: 1-10

     Any unusual action or appearance on Nehemiah’s part (the one who served the king his wine) may have caused the king to suspect Nehemiah of trying to poison him. No wonder Nehemiah was afraid when he realized his outward appearance had revealed his inner sadness! When the king offered to help, Nehemiah quickly prayed for the Lord’s guidance and then asked the king for help.

     We can’t help but admire Nehemiah’s boldness. A few minutes before, he feared for his life. Now he boldly asked the king to give him letters ensuring his safe travel, as well as timber to rebuild Jerusalem’s gate and the city wall! Not only did the king give Nehemiah everything he wanted, but the king made him governor of Judah.

     Sometimes we are afraid to ask other people to support God’s work for fear of being turned down. But God is leading us, we can ask boldly and leave the results up to god.