Jeremiah 23:24

Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him?  saith the LORD.  Do not I fill heaven and earth?  saith the LORD?

What of Today’s Verse…

There is no hiding from God, but for those who willingly and joyously seek him, there is comfort, power, and hope in his presence.

Let us Pray:

El Shaddai, God of the Mountains, be my sources of strength as I seek your presence. I acknowledge your presence in all I do and everywhere I go. Please, don’t just keep blessing me, but use me to bless others in your name. Through Jesus. Amen.

Words of Wisdom

Well before the blood shed by His Son, God knew His children and their ways. By the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, His children were recreated and renewed in the promises of the Father. As new creations, we are commanded to live in such a way as to bring glory and honour to the Almighty God. May we live in such a way that is worthy of the tremendous sacrifice of Christ as the power of God works through us.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. —Ephesians 2:10