Mar 5:34

      “He said to her, ‘Daughter, your faith has made you well.  Go in peace, and be whole from your plague.'”


The life of God is moving through me to strengthen, heal, and restore me.

      For twelve years a woman had endured much and had undergone many different treatments without even a glimmer of healing.  Still she had faith, and with that faith, she reached out to touch Jesus’ cloak.  What elation she must have felt at being healed!

      When I am praying for my own or another’s healing, I remember not to give up hope.  I understand that the inner healing which is taking place may not always be visible.  Still, I have faith.

      I feel a peace that can only contribute to my healing and convey a tangible hope to others for their healing.  The relief I feel soothes me and invites a healing flow to move through me.

      My faith reaches out to embrace others with a belief in their complete healing.