1 Timothy 2:1-2
I urge, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

What of Today’s Verse…

God wants us to be a praying people. But more than that, God wants us to pray for people. The blessing of that kind of prayerful life is that we get to live peaceful and quiet lives full of godliness and holiness. So pray, dear friend in Jesus, pray as if world peace depends upon it, because it does!

Let us Pray:

Majestic and Holy God, your greatness is beyond my mind to grasp but your grace reaches me and teaches in a new way each day. Forgive me when my prayer life has not been passionate. Forgive me for letting my prayers focus only on what is wrong. Use your Spirit, O God, to ignite a hunger in my soul so that I come to find satisfaction only in you and your presence. Through Jesus Christ and the intercession of the! Holy Spirit, I pray. Amen.’

Words of Wisdom


It was our belief that the love of possession is a weakness to be overcome. —Charles Alexander Eastman

American society is obsessed with wealth. We all say "money doesn’t buy happiness," but how many of us spend more time in shopping malls than libraries? How many of us give things to our loved ones instead of the attention and caring they truly need? How many of us have been willing to sell our souls for material goods?

We get preoccupied with attaining wealth and amassing more and more things. The more stuff we have, the more stuff we think we need. Let’s be clear about the difference between wants and needs. We need sufficient shelter, transportation, and adequate clothing. But most of us do not need a three-story, five-bathroom, three-garage house. We do not need luxury cars and designer wardrobes. These are things we want.

It’s not wrong to want fine things, but we should do so with knowledge that these things will not bring us happiness. Only love of others, God, and self and engaging in meaningful activities brings the deep personal satisfaction that we want and need.

I turn to healthy relationships and communing with the Creator—not things–for love and happiness.